Saturday, December 14, 2013

Do What You Want, What You Want With My Body

Someone read my latest post, about forming friendships through sex, and alerted me that they found some of the acts I described to be "disgusting".

Granted group sex, water sports, cum swapping and etc. aren't very kosher or widely accepted (I don't think), but it sheds some light on the age old question; what is a freak?

I've been asked "are you a freak?", "how freaky are you?" and other variations of the question and my response is always the same; I'm down for anything (EXCEPT BOTTOMING, NO SIR. MY HOLE IS EXIT ONLY).

The truth is I think that's what the definition of a freak is. Someone who is uninhibited, won't be a kill joy when someone else is getting off during sex, no matter what they are doing.

Granted I'm not INTO everything, I might not find it to be pleasurable and it might be gross, but its all subjective depending on who you have sex with.

I'm into making videos and a lot of people find that to be taboo, but they do it to please me. I consider those people freaks. Anyone that takes that chance to please the other person to the full extent of their wants during sex.

Last night, I allowed myself to do some things I wouldn't suggest doing and normally aren't into, but for the sake of the group, I did them. I just feel like hookups are like any other opportunity; once they knock you never know when they'll knock again, so make it count.

Do it all, push your limits (safely of course), but have fun.

Anyone that has had sex with me, whether they have been a repeat customer or one night stand will tell you that I'm a freak. Do I publicly walk around broadcasting it no, but its something I will show behind closed doors.

One day when I'm in a relationship, with someone who has a little freak in them at least (I have no room for prudes), those activities will be limited to a single person.

I'm glad to say I'm working toward that and curbing my behaviors thanks to this blog. I've managed to think about what I want and avoid pursuing sex, something I used to live to do.

As for those pursuing me....I still have some trouble saying you can probably tell.

So if I happen to hookup, or any of you, I encourage you to explore your sexuality more. You never know what you like until you try it. Just take on the mantra R. Kelly and Gaga sang about:

"Do what you want, what you want with my body."


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